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Br3ath consists of three different breath tests. The Baroreflex test, the Ewing test and the Vasalva maneuver. Through the respective methods of inhalation and exhalation, various conclusions can be drawn about the physiological relationships in the body. Purchase a one-year license for Br3ath.

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Br3ath consists of three different breath tests. The Baroreflex test, the Ewing test and the Vasalva maneuver. Through the respective methods of inhalation and exhalation, various conclusions can be drawn about the physiological relationships in the body. Through the three tests, information is obtained about physical regeneration, fitness, fatigue, stress, and feedback between the head and the vagus nerve. The results vary depending on the physiological and anatomical characteristics of the user. To achieve improved results appropriate breathing exercises should be performed continuously over a long period of time. With our app MeditatorsPeak we offer breathing trainings that are individually tailored to you.

NOTE: This is not a medical product, it is not intended for diagnosis! None of the exercises should be performed by people with pre-existing conditions, especially of the heart. Attention, in case of dizziness during a test, stop the test immediately, otherwise collapse may occur.

Baroreflex test:


After starting the app, a filling and emptying circle appears. It is important here that the speed of the exhalation and inhalation adapts to the filling and emptying of the circle. For this, it is helpful to run the test several times if necessary to adjust to the pace.

Physiological background:

The test allows you to determine and train your parasympathetic regulation. This is a biofeedback that measures and compares the heartbeat during exhalation and inhalation. When you exhale, your heart rate (and blood pressure) normally decreases and increases when you inhale. This is due to the homeostatic mechanism of the body. By training with a specific breathing pattern of 6 breaths/minute, one can try to synchronize breathing rate and heart rate, which can help with fatigue and stress. The value resulting from the test describes the difference between the heart rate during inhalation and exhalation. If the value is <10, you have a baroreflex that needs improvement, if it is between 10-15 you have a moderate baroreflex and if it is >15 you have a good baroreflex.

Ewing tests:


This test must be started in the supine position. After starting, maintain the position for about 180 seconds and breathe in and out in a relaxed manner. Then stand up, press the start button and continue breathing in a relaxed manner.

With an external HR - sensor (e.g. chest strap) you can achieve an even more accurate measurement.

Physiological background

The so-called Ewing test evaluates your autonomic regulation. This biofeedback can give information about your regeneration, fitness and stress. During the change of position the physiological reaction of your heart rate is measured and a ratio between standing and lying down is calculated, which reflects the adaptability of the body to the change of position. This results in a ratio (Ewing - Ratio) between 0 - 1.04. If your value is < 1.0, this results in a ratio that needs to be optimized. A value between 1.0 - 1.04 results in a moderate ratio and a value of 1.04 or higher results in a high ratio.

Vasalva maneuver:


Press the Start button and breathe for 15 seconds with your mouth closed and nose down towards your belly (DO NOT BREATHE OUT). After the 15 seconds, exhale and then press start. **Caution, stop immediately if you feel dizzy, otherwise you may collapse.

Physiological background

Pushing the exhalation back into the lower airway increases pressure in the chest, which results in less blood flowing into the right ventricle. As a result, its stroke volume decreases. The increased pressure throughout the chest then causes more blood to flow into the left ventricle. Until the supply in the pulmonary veins is depleted, this causes an increased stroke volume. The result is a drop in blood pressure, which is compensated for by the baroreceptor reflex. CAUTION, if the condition is maintained for too long, collapse may occur!!!


  • Three breathing exercises in one app
  • Data is recorded in a Fit file and displayed in the ConnectIQ app

License Activation:

Start the app on your watch and switch to license activation mode to enter the activation code ({code}) displayed here. After confirming with OK, the license information will be loaded on your watch. Have fun with our ConnectIQ App!

The description will be sent again via email in the course of the activation.

Release Notes:

  • Trail version ends after 2 weeks

Available for the following devices:

descentmk2, descentmk2s, enduro, fenix5, fenix5s, fenix5x, fenix6, fenix6pro, fenix6s, fenix6spro, fenix6xpro, fenixchronos, fr245, fr245m, fr645, fr645m, fr745,fr935, fr945, fr945lte, legacyherocaptainmarvel, legacysagadarthvader, legacysagarey, marqadventurer, marqathlete, marqaviator, marqcaptain, marqcommander, marqdriver, marqexpedition, marqgolfer, venu, venu2, venu2s, venud, venusq, venusqm, vivoactive4m, vivoactive4s

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